Monday, December 28, 2015


My mother-in-law put aside some jewelry and gave it to me one day when we visited.  She gave me a Rolex and said my mother gave it to her as a gift years ago (either for Christmas, or time of engagement, or something or other, I couldn't understand).

Hhhmmm--I thought this was odd.  My mother wouldn't even know what a Rolex is, let alone know where to buy one and at that--buy one for my soon-to-be in-laws.  Thanks Mama--it was a nice gesture for her to give it to me.

Fast forward years later, I'm thinking, what the heck, I want to wear this.  I don't wear expensive jewelry but I do have a great watch collection--all the great pearl watches I've had made in the Philippines  & China.

Finally-I take it to the local jewelry to fix as I can't wind the little button on the right side.  How humiliating--it was a fake.  Throw it away the jewelry suggested.  I did right away.  Brings me back to my original thought.....why would my mother give ANYONE a Rolex, let alone know how to buy one or believe in that status?  OK mother-in-law--who really gave you this fake Rolex?  Don't blame my mother.

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