Friday, January 1, 2016

Pure Joy -- Another Part, Perhaps the Last Part

I couldn't stand it.  My mother's dress was calling out to me, "let me out, let me out".  So I did.  I let it out of the box.

What good is a beautiful treasure if its locked up, trapped in a box, never to be seen, only donated years later when kids are emptying out a basement.

So I took it out.  First reaction--this is not the glamorous dress I saw on my mother.  Lost its luster, kind of dull.  The top was beautiful.  You could see the delicate lace and gold beads up by the collar-line.

Other than that it was a long, plain-fabric dress.  Hung it up on the closet door to surprise my sister and family when they came for Christmas.  They weren't so impressed - I guess I was the only one who was so excited.

I'll wrap it back up now and put it back in the box.  I've had my fill of Pure Joy for today.

how funny-my dad just happened to be walking by in the background.  looks like his head is on the dress.  

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