Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Unexpected Delighted Me

On a business trip to Moscow, I got to go inside the Kremlin.  Went with an old friend (thanks Natalia) who lives in Moscow.  I was expecting to go in to government buildings and see something like the Parliament or Congress.  Instead, we saw an old fortress of churches.  So majestic!

 I love the onion domes.  I confess I'm more of a fan of the outside of the churches since the inside paintings are somewhat dark, austere, and scary.  The saints and people don't look real and if you don't know the historical stories, can be *boring*.

ceiling--inside of dome

Natalia picks these amazing restaurants and I tried rabbit profiteroles.  Yes rabbit!  Very good, tasted like a sweet veal.  We also went to a Georgian restaurant and had grilled meat and raw fresh herbs.

I'll never tire of seeing St. Basil's.  The vivid colors and shapes, onion domes, so amazing.  
Surprise #2:  Arrived at London hotel approximately 2:30 pm.  Somehow remembered there is a Thursday evening choir at Westminster Abbey (missed it last time I were here).  Called the concierge: Evensong (not evening song) at 5:00.  Had no idea what it was, but I was going.  Had never been in Westminster Abbey and wanted to see it after so many years of seeing it on TV.

Surprise #3: I went on Kate and Terry's sailboat!  Had never been on a 40 foot sailboat with two bedrooms before!  Only thing was I didn't make it til night and we had to go back to the house to sleep.  I had a great time while I was on the boat though--very stressful for sailors to navigate the waters and other boats.  Just riding in the dingy to the boat was an adventure because I almost couldn't climb up the ladder!

Great spread at the house, thanks Kate!

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