Saturday, December 5, 2015

Casual Friday - Jeans Day

Do you have jeans day at work?  Now we have jeans day on Monday & Fridays.  For women, jeans day can be tricky.  Hard to look professional if you look dumpy.

A stylist at J. Jill once told me, "Julie, jeans are not your friend".  Tsk, tsk, tsk she said as she waved her little index finger back and forth.

I don't like jeans.  They are too tight.  My muffin top hangs out so I wear a long top which defeats the purpose of getting a perfect pair of jeans to fit around your butt.  Just not happening.

Determined to buy a professional but stylish pair of jeans I went to Nordstrom's.  After losing some weight I was ready to buy jeans with a little stud action or design on the back pockets (even my mother in law has rind-stones on her back pockets).

Researched Not Your Mother's Jeans only to find out they are called Not Your Daughter's Jeans.  Tried on a million pairs and they just kept getting tighter and tighter.  Finally I gave up and went to buy a few pair of professional looking leggings.  Leggings work well for me with nice long tunics and boots.  I give up on jeans.

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