Saturday, October 12, 2013


I MUST have an AISLE seat when I travel.  I have to go to the bathroom alot.  I mean ALOT!  I drink a lot of water, and other things, so I MUST have an AISLE seat.  Recently, I sat in the aisle seat by mistake, I didn't realize I had the window seat.  I insisted to the other passenger I had the aisle seat.  When I realized I was wrong I almost cried.  The man could see the angst in my face, and said, unless you have a phobia, I'd rather have the aisle seat.  He took one look in my eyes and said, "Look, let's change.  I can see it in your face, you sit here."  Wow--good people still exist in the world, I wanted to kiss him.

Recently, I got an upgrade from economy to biz class on a trip from Newark to Mexico City.  Window seat. Only I didn't realize it and sat in the aisle seat, wrong row.  OK, one row up, window.  Suck it up Julie, you got an upgrade and its only a 5 hour flight.  Returning home, same upgrade, I know the drill.  Sit in the window seat, relax, be quiet, its ok.  You survived.

I like to look out the window during take off and landing.  For all the flights I've taken, I pray I never miss the thrill of taking off.  Technology is incredible, how does this work?  Hundreds of people in this heavy piece of metal. Slowly, slowly slowly, up we go.  WE'RE OFF!  Small dots looking at us, us looking at small dots.  Who's house are you?  Can you see me?  I can see you.

Couldn't sleep.  Opened the window shade.  Oh My God, is that the big dipper?  YES IT IS!  I was parallel with the big dipper.  Could it be?  Was it wishful thinking?  I was in the black black darkness eye-to-eye with the big dipper, closest to the handle. Just me and the stars, at peace with the universe.  Couldn't really see the last star on the pot, but knew the universe was mine because I was within arm's reach of the BIG DIPPER.

PS -- I still prefer the aisle seat.

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