Saturday, June 29, 2013

I'm A Student

I’m a local, I’m a student, I’m riding a bike with my baby boy. Jake is a study abroad student at Fudan University for the second semester of sophomore year. I visited him for a few days.

Surprise-my boy chose to live with a family instead of the dorm. When he realized how spread out the campus was he got a bike. We borrowed his home family’s bike and off we went. “I want to see what it’s like for you to ride to classes.”
Riding out of his compound, we rode along the bike lane, wow, I’m really here riding around. We rode through the campus, a beautiful big campus, just like any other campus in the world, hustle and bustle and even graduation. A flurry of students with flowing black gowns and caps flying off rushing here and there.
Here’s where I have this class and that class. Here’s where I buy my bubble tea and street food. Let’s go to the ‘fancy’ street where the western restaurants are. OMG that’s where the traffic was with no bike lanes. Just then I discovered, he’s a local, he’s a student, and he’s an independent man. I watched my son direct me around. Chinese local for ½ a year. I’m the mother of a grown man.

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