Friday, December 9, 2011

Bogota Day 3

Our afternoon meeting was at the Hotel Windsor House--a little boutique hotel which to our beautiful surprise had lit wreaths in each window and a big beautiful Christmas tree in front. Gorgeous!!!!!

We went to a Peruvian restaurant for dinner called La Mar in the Usaquen area (after trying to coerce our host in to changing it to a typical Colombia restaurant a few blocks away)...

We were treated to something so special I felt like an angel was on my shoulder. We were there for a holiday called "Noche de Velitas". Lighting of the candles festival - the official start of Christmas. We went to a park were it was customary to light candles. Look at the wonder in the eyes of the child in the picture, what a treat for me to witness the magic of it all. Should have been called "City of Lights"--park full of lights and beauty. Wish I could have stayed forever, but instead we went to the trendy Peruvian restaurant (La Mar). Couldn't read the overwhelming Spanish menu so I choose a great dish, thanks to Google Translate (something grilled with garlic - can't go wrong there)!

Imagine not knowing the San Genaro Feast or dragons and firecrackers on Chinese New Year existed? Then, being brought there by a local? That's what the experience was like and with all the lights and candles, it was a surreal experience. We were two Americans, two local Colombians (who now live in Miami), one Venezuelan and two Brazilians (of which one was Japanese and only spoke Portuguese). We were able to communicate to each other that we were having an experience we would never re-live again.

How lucky am I!

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