Friday, November 11, 2011


The second night of the blackout (Oct storm), the crescent moon was clear. Cold, clear night. As we cleaned up the kitchen and put dishes away by candle-light (+ crescent moonlight) I felt the presence of something in the backyard. What I don't know.

The beauty of the moon shown (shined?) on the white, white layer of snow. The moon bounced back off the snow and gave us the only light we had.

I felt the presence of a deer in the backyard, but just couldn't see it. Felt the outline of a body in the moonlight, a big body at the birdfeeder......a fuzzy, question your senses feeling....did I see it or didn't I? Is it there?...eating....Was it there? Not sure, put my glasses on...........YES.....A deer was standing at the birdfeeder for about 10 minutes, eating all the bird food. Looking at me, me looking at him (her). Starring at each other in the moonlight glow.

I can't describe the feeling of thinking you see something, but not knowing if its really there. I felt it was there though but how did I know? It was there. It shown (shined) in the moonlight. But until I put my glasses on I couldn't see it.

I'm glad the lights came back on soon. However, I won't forget the beauty of the night, and the feeling of the moon, and the thought that God's creatures other than us mankind are out there.

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