Sunday, November 13, 2011

Paris 9.11 - Day 3

Day 3

Started at the Musee L’Orange where Monet’s Waterlilies are. I bought a double pass for both museums and glad I did. To see the Waterlilies in real life was spectacular. Took a million pictures on my iPhone and couldn’t believe I was seeing the Real Deal. Wanted to reach out and touch the canvas, particularly parts that had vivid color and small flowers popping out. This poor Japanese tourist had to take a few pix of me so I could re-create my memory. Bought the audio tour but felt gipped (gypped)since there was such a short narration---but was happily surprised when I went downstairs and saw so many Reniors and other great masters. Loved it. Bought a poster of the Waterlilies to have mounted at home, hopefully to hang over our fireplace.

Took the metro to Sacre Coeur. I remember going there at night when I was in college and it being such a party atmosphere. Going back older now, I was afraid to climb the stairs. Hee hee. It was beautiful inside but smaller than I remember. Bought T-shirts, a hat for myself and a Tour de France T-shirt for David.

Took the Metro to the Arc de Triomphe and walked from there through the Champs de Elysee. I stumbled upon a Cantonese tour and learned that you can go to the bathroom in the MacDonald’s a few blocks down so I did. Had three different people take my pix so I could get just the right one with the Arc (do you like it?).

Took the Metro to the Marais section to find the bar David’s cousin Yvette recommended, Le Petit Fer A Cheval. Bought a ridiculously expensive pair of suede booties with a cute wedge heel for $160 because I felt I had to have a souvenir. Got lost, realized I was walking around a neighborhood similar to SOHO. Expensive, trendy, nice. Found the bar, too crowded, but I did sit at the bar to have a glass of wine—by then really tired so I went back to the hotel. Paris on a warm Sunny Saturday is wonderful.

I shouldn’t have, but I asked the concierge if there was a Bistro I could walk to. I did, and was disappointed compared to the last two nights, but met some other Americans, old folks. One couple had a daughter they lost to cancer, but was well taken care of by her employer, who happens to be my employer. That’s nice and comforting to know. Didn’t need to eat there, what a bunch of wasted calories. So if you only have two and a half days in Paris, I'd recommend taking some of these highlights but skipping the department stores.

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