Monday, June 3, 2024

Lingie & Bob

 Its a small world.  I went to a showing of the Corky Lee documentary at the library as part of the town's AAPI heritage month event.  {btw- did any of my cousins know Corky Lee?}.

Corky Lee Chinese-American Photographer

All the Chinese people are looking at each others and checking each other out, thinking "do I know you?".

No one looked familiar but I kept looking at this grey haired lady.  One of the four ladies behind me said she grew up on Mulberry St-I turned around and said SO DID I!  I lived at 106 and she lived at 110--ah Luna's yes, La Bella Ferrara (yes it was wonderful to grow up on top of a bakery).

The grey haired lady said "you look familiar.  What are your parents names?"

Lingie and Bob

Lingie Moy?  Ah you're a MOY!  Yes I am.  Her name is Sarah Mon and she proceeded to tell me she went to school with my Auntie Ellen and then named all my uncles.  "Your Uncles are Aigie, Bongie, Victor and Danny.  And this isn't a bad thing but they were all fat"  😀  She's lived in BH for 60 years and would you believe two of my buddies know her?

Then my friend Meera's friend came-Carole and I instantly recognized her as a friend of Auntie Ellen's.  I dropped Auntie Ellen off at her place in Summit once (she didn't remember me).  She knew Auntie Ellen since kindergarten.  She proceeded to tell me how my Mother's and aunts all went to college.  In those days women didn't go to college yet alone Chinese women and how they were ahead of their time.  The best part was she said my Mother was the smartest.  "Lingie was so smart".

Oh warm my heart.  What a small world.

I enjoyed the Corky Lee documentary and highly recommend it.  He's a famous Chinese-American photographer and captured social justice, not only for Chinese-Americans (protests to get construction workers for Confucius Plaza) + all Americans (Vietnam War, etc.).


Anonymous said...

Julie - that’s a wonderful story - Nancy

Julie T. Chan said...

Thanks Nancy Emoji