Saturday, January 21, 2023

Saas Fee January 2023

Sass Fee is more beautiful than you can imagine, a smaller Zermatt.

A coworker has a ski chalet there and recommended these restaurants.  We tried venison!

First night we had to walk in the dark up a steep deserted hill to get to the restaurant.  Well worth the effort.  Turned around to see a full moon and an enchanted little village.  So peaceful

Wanted to hike in the snow but it was too icy.  The hotel {Ambiente} suggested I walk to the restaurant we were going to-- across the bridge.  Its a small town, I got lost & walked across every bridge there is in Saas Fee.  A wonderful way to discover the quaint town

Enjoyed going to the revolving restaurant all the way at the top. Had to take 2 different gondolas + a tram.  Tram was it packed with skiers & all I could think was Covid spreading 😢

He went skiing when we went up to the revolving restaurant

To get to  restaurant #2, you had to walk on this beautiful 15 minute park path

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful scenery! Your my idol!