Sunday, March 21, 2021


The following people had a bad day on March 16, 2021.

Xiaojie Tan (49)

Daoyou Feng (44)

Soon Chung Park (74)

Hyun Jung Grant (51)

Suncha Kim (69)

Yong Ae Yue (63)

Delaina Ashley Yaun (33)

Paul Andre Michels (54)

Equally as sad, their friends, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, co-workers had a heart-breakingly bad day.

I don't care if you have a sexual addition.  Murder is murder.  I have a ton of additions but that would not excuse me from murder.

I'm sick of the usual, "how many people have to die before things change"?   Its time to fight back.  The worse part is, most murdered were not Chinese who many Americans blame for Covid.  What's the matter?  You can't tell us apart?  Can't tell a Korean from a Chinese?  Can you tell the difference between a German and a French?  Just because we look different from you doesn't mean its ok to kill us all.  At the end of the day we are American--but made to feel like foreigners or non-Americans because we look different.  I'm disgusted, I'm mad, I feel helpless, I'm incredibly sad.

About ten years ago we took the kids to a local restaurant in Warren NJ and a girl, perhaps 10 or 12 at the next table starting singing Ching Ching Chong Chong.  Like so many other times, I was so stunned I didn't know what to say/do.  This little girl thought this was a normal thing to say and do otherwise why did she say/do that?  Learned from the parents obviously.

It's time to fight back (literally and figuratively if necessary like the 75 year old Granny).  If someone says something prejudiced to you, walk up to them or their parents and tell them that's racist and hurtful & not ok.  If someone tries to hit, harm, spit or cough on you, hit, harm and spit on them in return.  Enough is enough.  For people to come out and say this is a sex addiction crime and not a racially motivated crime is blind, infuriating and prejudiced.  If you have a sex addiction it doesn't allow you to murder people. MURDERER!

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