Friday, November 1, 2013

Baby Carrots

I recently read an article about baby carrots -- they are good to eat for a snack late at night.  It made me think.  Are baby carrots horrifically taken from their adult carrot parents as babies?  If they weren't, would they grow to adult size carrots?  Are they mutant little carrots, or are they truly a baby species, that are only meant to grow to be babies?  Do they cry when they are snatched from their parents, only to be sold to us humans to be eaten with hummus?  Finally, why would an adult parent carrot allow their child to be taken?  Why don't they fight harder to keep their baby carrots?

I rarely eat baby carrots.  They have this strange grey film on them, and they smell.  Smell musty.  Are they clean?  Do I have to wash them?  Will that slimy film wash away? Maybe its better to eat Wheat Thins or other crackers because somehow I know they are clean.  You don't have to wash crackers or chips.  They don't lay in the ground next to the dirty soil filled with maggots and worms and ants.

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