Saturday, April 20, 2013

Chinese Names, Part 2

Only two of you were brave enough to send me your Chinese names.  This can mean a few things:

  1. You really don't know your Chinese name
  2. You know your Chinese name, but don't know how to write it
  3. You are too lazy to ask your family how to write your Chinese name
  4. You don't read my blog :( -- perhaps you even delete it without opening it
Here is cousin Lillian's name and Margaret's name.

Lilian:       梅 美 真 

Moy is plum flower, mei is beautiful, and jing is true.  My given name is also "Moy" -- but I was told it means rose, so yes, some kind of flower.

Margaret:  her name is enchanted orchid..  We all have a flower theme going on here.  The thing I learned from Margaret (or maybe Margaret's dad), is that "Chin" and "Chan" are the same written word, what I know to be pronounced as "Chun".  So between all the Chin's, Chan's, Chen's and Chun's I think we own the world.  There must be more "Chun's" in the world than "Smith's".
OK, I'm waiting for the rest of you to send my your names. 

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