Sunday, February 17, 2013


A mother's feelings consists of so much anxiety.  Conflicts, emotions.  The feeling no matter what you decide, you will choose the wrong option.  So I 've learned to let it roll, because sometimes you can't win, and most of the time you can't predict what will happen.

I was in Mexico City during the recent snow storm.  Flight canceled.  Should I stay or should I go?  Should I try to get the 1st flight out, or should I stay the weekend?  will it be the "storm of the century" as reported?  Will Newark Airport be clear?  Never toured Mexico City and was dying to.  Just learned it was the season to see the Monarch Butterflies who migrate from Canada  & Northern US to Mexico City for the winter.  Had a chance to see them.

Should I stay an extra day, or should I go home & spend time with son #2 who will be spending a semester abroad in 5 days?  
Does he have everything ready? 
Will it matter if I'm there to help him?
Will I ever get a chance to see the Monarch Butterflies again?  An endangered species so beautiful?
So I stayed, and loved it.  Son #2 got off just fine.

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