I put it off in the first year, but then made the appointment the day of my annual physical, just so I wouldn't forget.
Everyone is right, the prep work is the worst part. I imagined a stomach flu with throwing up, but I'll spare you the details. It wasn't that bad. I lived through the fasting--that was the hardest part hee hee.
No nuts, seeds, fruit skins (like the skin on grapes), popcorn, tomato sauce, lettuce.... gee- what would I eat? Even no multivitamins the day before. Eat a light breakfast of toast, eggs, clear soup, yogurt for breakfast and lunch and no solid foods after noon. Ahhhhh. Only clear liquids like apple juice or broth or white cranberry juice til 5. Out of no-where my dear husband decides to make pulled-pork in the slow cooker. My God, you've never made pulled-pork in your life - why now? i didn't even know you knew what pulled-pork is. I want some.
At 5 the fun begins. Mix packet A with packet B with lukewarm water in the jar. Had to read it about 15 times before I got it right but got a message from the doc to separate the drinks, one at 5pm the night before and the second at 5am. WHAT????? I am not going to get up at 5am to drink this yucky crap.
All goes well but I refuse to take off my bracelets and the nurse-aid whoever gives me a hard time. "That's going to be a problem". Well they don't come off, so yes too bad, its a problem.. Meanwhile, its not a problem to the nurse or dr. They remove 3 polyps and they'll call Tue or Wed with results, but it never occurs to me that there would ever be anything wrong. I'm sure they're won't be but I can't help but wonder. What is a polyp anyway? Meanwhile I have a pinching pain in my upper tummy so I wonder how far up the colon snakes. Makes you remember all those posters of the colon in the dr's office. hhhmmmmm.
The anesthesia makes me drowsy and I actually rest all day Friday. Now I'm just waiting til Tue or Wed.
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