Friday, December 9, 2011

Bogota Day 1 - 12.11

We flew in to Bogota and arrived at our hotel at about 11:30 pm. I was exhausted but couldn't stop starring out the car window--can't describe the city. Filled with Christmas tree decorations and lights, beautiful. Half run down, half store front buildings.

This was the first time I rode in a plane and watched Direct TV--The Giants were on and lost in a dramatic game to Green Bay in a last minute showdown (literally :60).

We were prepared to walk to the office at 12:30 the next day but out colleagues insisted they come and get us. I was scared as everyone talked about security in Colombia. All was well - our offices are in the financial district and the stock market is even in the building. Tight security--fingerprint system to get in. Only mine didn't work and each of the 4 days I was there I had trouble swiping through. Grew to know the security guard.

I couldn't breathe as I walked there. Our agency had warned us that the air is thin due to elevation: I hyper-ventilated. Didn't know if I was imagining it or if it was real. Our day 1 meetings were great. The team took us to dinner in the T-Zone area where they were pushing out fake snow for Christmas. It was like the "village" of Bogota. Loved it. We went to a Chinese restaurant called "Sr. Choo" and had great Peking Duck and a million different fried appetizers.

Slept terribly but always do day one travelling.

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