My husband refused to kayak with me because he said the last time we went we tried to kill each other. Friends said a double kayak is called a divorce double because all the spouses do is yell at each other, "you're not paddling deep enough, you're not steering the right way". I was excited to go kayaking and luckily my brother wanted to go too. So off we went. Three kayaks all with two people and a guide, headed out for a fun morning of sea kayaking. It was hard work, and I kept trying to think of rotating your core as the guide said, think of push, pushing not pulling the oars.
Here's our Guide |
The kayaks were really good with a skirt to protect your legs from water that sealed you into the boat. It was hard work to paddle, the waters were not calm. As we rounded one corner, a strange, huge gust of wind came out of nowhere and blew us right back into the rocks. One of the experienced young couples capsized, and we all huddled against the rocks for 15 minutes to wait out the wind.
I thought it was so dangerous, not because of drowning and falling into the water, but because the wind could carry us up into the rocks and I had visions of my head being slammed open. Luckily, none of that happened. I was in front and my brother was in the back. I was afraid to turn around & look at the others for fear of tipping over but I knew from the wind and salty water hitting my face, running in to my eyes, the wind was still going full force. The young couple held on to both a branch and the other couples' kayak to stay still. Our canoe was wedged in to the rocks. After about half an hour, we paddled back to a different destination, because the wind was just too much to get us back to Picton.
There was someone to pick us up, who told us in the 15 years that they have owned this company they have never had a capsize. Sometimes the wind just does funny things. Luckily, it was a young couple who capsized and were able to climb back into the kayak. I don’t think I will be going kayaking again. It is a day I won’t forget.